As the festive season approaches, it’s crucial for Victorians to be aware of our state's stringent drink-driving laws. This period typically witnesses a surge in social events and alcohol consumption, leading to an increased risk of drink driving offences. Here, we will explore the legal implications of getting caught, making informed decisions and avoiding severe penalties.
The Legal Threshold and Penalties
In Victoria, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is stringently enforced. If your BAC exceeds the legal limit, you could face significant consequences, including hefty fines, licence disqualification, and even imprisonment in some instances.
First-time Offenders
For first-time offenders aged over 26 with a BAC between 0.05 and 0.069, police may issue a traffic infringement notice and a three-month licence cancellation. It’s important to note that these measures are not lenient but a reflection of the seriousness with which drink driving is treated in Victoria.
Generally, drivers aged under 26 are subject to stricter rules and penalties due to their higher risk profile and lesser driving experience. If a driver under 26 is caught with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) over 0.05, they might face more severe consequences than older drivers.
Typically, these consequences can include:
Immediate License Suspension: Young drivers may face an immediate suspension of their driver's license.
Higher Penalties: They might be subject to higher fines or longer license suspension periods.
Mandatory Education Programs: Participation in driver education or alcohol awareness programs might be mandatory.
Court Appearance: Unlike older drivers who might be issued a traffic infringement notice for a first offense, younger drivers may be required to appear in court.
Zero BAC Requirement: Often, drivers under 26 are required to maintain a zero BAC while driving, and any detectable alcohol can result in penalties.
Probationary License Conditions: If the driver is on a probationary license, additional restrictions or an extension of the probationary period could be imposed.
Drink Driving: A Major Road Safety Issue
Drink driving is a leading cause of road fatalities and injuries in Australia. The Road Safety Act 1986 categorises drink and drug driving as serious offences. The permissible BAC varies depending on your licence type – full licence holders must maintain a BAC under 0.05, while learners, P-platers and heavy vehicle drivers must have zero alcohol in their system.
Consequences of Repeat Offences
Whilst imprisonment penalties for first-time offenders is rare, the likelihood increases with repeated offences. The law mandates licence loss for all drink driving cases where BAC exceeds 0.05. The duration of licence cancellation escalates with higher BAC levels, starting from three months for a reading between 0.05 and 0.069. For each increment in BAC, the period of licence loss increases correspondingly, reaching up to 24 months. Repeat offenders face even harsher penalties, with minimum periods doubling.
Legal Support and Rehabilitation
If charged with drink driving, accessing legal support and rehabilitation services is crucial. Satori Law can assist in managing your case and representing you, should you be required to attend Court. As part of our case preparation, we can refer you to counselling services and drug and alcohol support groups. This, in conjunction with character references and/or medical reports, is the first step in taking accountability and demonstrating rehabilitation to the Court.
Remember, the law not only prescribes minimum penalties but also empowers the Court to impose longer disqualifications based on specific circumstances in conjunction with drink-driving, such as dangerous or reckless driving.
If you find yourself facing such charges, Satori Law is committed to providing comprehensive support and legal advice throughout the entire Christmas and New Year period. Open 7 days a week, we are here to assist you, whether it's your first drink driving offence, or third, our experienced team is ready to offer the guidance and representation you need during this challenging time.
Phone our offices directly or email us at
Stay safe and make responsible choices to enjoy a festive and incident-free holiday season!
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The content on this blog is provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be considered as legal advice. It is not specific to individual circumstances. The material discussed is intended to provide general information on the topics covered and should not be relied upon as legal advice for any specific situation or case. The laws and legal processes discussed in this blog are subject to change and may vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances.
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Phone (Melbourne): 1800 685 990
Phone (Adelaide): 1800 312 606
Phone (Townsville): 1800 244 260
Phone (Perth): 1800 242 902